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Case Studies


Sensitive Data Collaboration

Create joint customer profile based on data shared between multiple organizations.

Objective: Enrich customer profile by consolidating data from multiple service companies under the same group.

Approach: Share customer data and create a joint profile while data is kept confidential to all parties.

Benefits: Create new revenue by targeting customers with personalized offers.

Confidential AI Sandbox

Launch an AI sandbox for fast pilots with tech companies and startups.

Objective: Pilot and launch new technologies and business models with the innovative tech and startup ecosystem.

Approach: Invite partners to pilot their AI and data applications using your sensitive info in its original form while it remains confidential.

Benefits:  Improve efficiency, accelerate innovation and time to value.


LLM Data Firewall

Anonymize and obfuscate sensitive data before sharing with cloud-based LLM for training and inference.

Objective: Develop cloud-based LLM copilots and train LLM models using consumer's financial, insurance, and health records without exposing sensitive data.

Approach: Leverage Multyx's scalable text anonymization engine to securely and flexibly obfuscate and de-obfuscate private information in your corpus.

Benefits:  Minimize data exposure and related LLM knowledge risk while retaining LLM generative capabilities.

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